Operational Account Manager - Poland
Spróbuj znaleźć interesujące Cię oferty wybierając jedną z poniższych opcji:
Praca za granicą: Praca Marketing / Reklama Praca za granicą: Praca Turcja Praca za granicą: Praca Stambuł Praca za granicą: Praca Specjalista do spraw kluczowych klientów

Insider is a digital experience delivery platform for marketers.
Accessible from a unified data engine, Insider enables marketers to leverage personalization, predictive segmentation and real-time technologies to boost loyalty and digital growth.
Insider is a technology company with offices in London, Moscow, Singapore, Dubai, Warsaw, Istanbul, Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta. Insider was listed as one of Europe’s 100 Hottest Startups in 2016 by WIRED Magazine, featuring European startups that are having an impact
Helping world’s leading brands grow beyond the speed of customer expectations, Insider is trusted by over 200 businesses across various industries including Toyota, AVIS, Media Markt, Lenovo, GNC, MasterCard, BBVA, Delivery Hero, Fiat, Carrefour, Ticketmaster, Air Arabia, Tune Hotels, Dominos, McDonalds, Avon and CNN.
We are looking for a Partner Success Promoter who wants to make the dream a reality for our Turkey office.
Opis stanowiska
Handling overall responsibility for managing the customer relationship, especially by phone;
Monitoring and facilitating and consulting the customer for adoption of our technology;
Establishing a trusted adviser relationship that works to ensure customer’s overall satisfaction with our technology;
Proactively monitor customer activity and provide insights and solutions to the client and our internal teams to improve outcomes;
Strategic campaign planning to help the customers meet their objectives;
Prioritizing and driving resolution on escalated customer issues;
Acting as a liaison between product management and the customer with a focus on communicating the work day roadmap and how the roadmap will influence customer activities
University degree in related fields;
Demonstrated ability to understand the needs and problems of the customers and solve them by working directly with product and development team;
Digital marketing related experience in a customer oriented position;
A keen desire to help customers be successful;
Strong problem identification and objection resolution skills;
Success in qualifying opportunities involving multiple key decision makers;
Native in Polish and Excellent oral and written communication skills in English;
Superior project and time management skills, excellent attention to detail;

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2017-08-07 (Marketing / Reklama, Turcja, Stambuł, Specjalista ds. marketingu) [zobacz]
ogłoszenia technik za granicą
oferty technik za granicą
operka londyn
praca technik londyn
w hotelu londyn
ogłoszenia technik za granicą oferty technik za granicą operka londyn praca technik londyn w hotelu londynPrzypominamy, że pobieranie opłat przez agencje lub podmioty pośredniczące z tytułu wyszukiwania, pośrednictwa i wskazania pracodawcy jest NIELEGALNE. Dozwolone jest jedynie pobieranie od osób opłat związanych z kosztami dojazdu i powrotu osoby skierowanej, wydawania wizy, badań lekarskich a także tłumaczenia dokumentów.
Jeśli ogłoszenie jest niezgodne z prawem lub obraźliwe - poinformuj nas na czacie. Pamiętaj aby podać link do zgłaszanej oferty.